There’s so much information to find on the internet nowadays that it’s hard to know what’s true and what’s not. To help, we’ve chosen 5 of the biggest HVAC myths to explain why they’re incorrect. Air filters should only be changed yearly. Whether it’s summer or winter, your HVAC system has air running through it …
Author Archives: First Scribe
4 Ways to Improve Your Home’s Air Quality
If we’ve learned much of anything these past few years, it’s that indoor air quality is important to our health. As we move into spring and high allergy season, that indoor air quality may become even more important to you. If there isn’t a good balance of moisture, ventilation, and some way to filter air …
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How to Choose the Right HVAC Company
No matter the time of year, there could be a need for HVAC repair services. This is why it’s so important to have a company in mind for those instances or to be prepared for the research that comes with finding one. We’ve outlined some of the most important aspects to look out for during …
The Pros and Cons of In-Floor Heating
Tired of your cold floors during these frigid Minnesota winters? Then it might be time to think about in-floor heating. We specialize in hydronic heating, which uses a boiler system to heat water that then moves through the tubing installed below the floor. However, it does come with considerations on both sides. Pros: A hydronic …
How to Stay Warm If Your Power or Heating Goes Out
The wintertime can be rough on your home and heating system. Whether you’re dealing with an outage due to weather or a system breakdown, it’s important to keep you and the family warm in the event of an emergency. Here are some ways you can do that: Use your fireplace. Without a furnace, your fire …
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Heat Pump vs. Furnace: The Pros and Cons of Heating Systems
Homeowners have had their heat on for a few weeks now, but we’re only at the start of the winter season, which means we’ve been getting calls about furnace issues or homeowners wanting to invest in a new system before the hard chill sets in. Now, it’s become the choice between two key options: a …
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The Benefits of Adding a Whole Home Humidifier to Your Furnace
Soon enough we’ll all be heading inside to escape the cold, dry, winter weather, but you won’t be as comfortable as you could be if that air is warm and dry. You will feel much more comfortable if your home is warm and cozy with a little added humidity to the air. Luckily, an HVAC …
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Fall is the Best Time to Replace an HVAC System
Welcome to fall! While we’re loving the cooler weather and beautiful sights, we’re also prepping for the prime season of new unit installations. It might be a surprise to some, but now is actually the perfect time to schedule that service. The reasons are: Companies have more scheduling options. As the in-between season to summer …
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Why A Fall HVAC Tune-Up Is Important
Just like other appliances, routine maintenance helps you get the most out of your investment. But why is a fall tune-up important? Discuss your thermostat. If your home has an older thermostat, it might not provide all the options you want. Upgrading your thermostat allows you more control over the HVAC unit since modern models …
The Basics of HVAC Needs for Property Management Companies
It’s important for rental properties to keep up on HVAC maintenance so their tenants aren’t left in the sweltering heat or bitter cold without any support—especially with air conditioning units already working overtime during this hot summer. Maintenance A regular schedule based on recommended HVAC maintenance will be the best way to save money long-term …
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