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4 Ways to Improve Your Home’s Air Quality

If we’ve learned much of anything these past few years, it’s that indoor air quality is important to our health. As we move into spring and high allergy season, that indoor air quality may become even more important to you. If there isn’t a good balance of moisture, ventilation, and some way to filter air in your home or business, you are more likely to suffer from myriad allergy symptoms, get sick, or share sickness with those you share your spaces with.

How to improve air quality:

Humidity helps!

Air that has the proper humidification is more comfortable, doesn’t dry out sinuses and skin, and can reduce the spread of germs and allergens by making it harder for them to travel through the air when it’s denser or more moisture filled. Humidifiers and dehumidifiers can help a great deal in maintaining the proper humidification of spaces.

Ventilation is vital!

When a home or business is properly ventilated, fresh air is brought in to regularly refresh the air that is being circulated around your space. When done properly, air is fresh with no odors or other lingering particles. We can check and balance your system to be sure that ventilation is happening properly or provide options to improve ventilation.

Filters are our friends!

If air is moving around your home or business without being properly filtered or treated, it can lead to health problems for everyone. There are many options available that can help filter out unwanted particles or germs and help clean and treat the air circulating. They range from filters that are thicker or not as porous that will pull out even smaller particles to purifiers that use UV light to treat air in your ventilation system. We can explain the various filters and air purifiers that are available and find a solution that meets your home’s or business’s needs.


The best way to improve air quality is to have your HVAC system checked and monitored by a HVAC expert regularly. Plugged filters don’t help anyone and can cause more harm than good. There are some simple things done during a furnace and air conditioner maintenance that can really help your air quality and comfort.

The technicians at Binder Heating & Air Conditioning are trained in all major HVAC and purifier brands, so we can help you choose the best option for your home. Read more about our residential indoor air quality solutions here. If you’re in the Twin Cities, give us a call to learn more about our installation and repair services.


Managing Outdoor and Indoor Allergens in the Home