
24/7 Emergency Service: (651) 457-8781

Why We Recommend Spring Tune-Ups for Your Air Conditioning

Welcome to spring! We’re all excited for the weather to finally start warming up and to see our priority customers for their annual appointments. Before we know it, those hot, humid summer days will be here, and homeowners don’t want to be stuck with hot air coming out of their system. We encourage tune-ups for …

Take Care of Your Indoor Air!

Most homes typically have at least one indoor air quality issue. Since homes are now being built tighter, ventilation is reduced, and air pollutants may be trapped inside your home. This leaves indoor air quality among the top five environmental dangers according to the EPA. Consider how you can maintain the health of your family …

Air Conditioning for Older Homes

Do you have a home that is heated with a hot water boiler? Did you know there are some great options for putting an air conditioning system in your home? In the Saint Paul area, we see many older homes that have hot water systems and window AC units. While window air conditioners can do …